Saturday, November 24, 2007

Rollerblades and fanny packs

At Idaho Mountain Trading I work pretty closely with the other shop guys. We are trapped in our cage at the back of the store from 9am till 6 or 7pm. To keep our sanity, we do a lot of joking around and playing loud music. One thing my manager LOVES doing is making it sound like there was a serious accident in the shop and getting customers to rush in and see what happened. He will scream, "GET AWAY FROM THE-" then will pound his hammer on the shop table and say, "oh my gosh are you all right?!"
Recently, one of the big jokes has been making fun of rollerblades and those who pursue the activity of rollerblading. They associate rollerblades with fanny packs and tight spandex.
On Friday, a punk rocker wearing a patched leather jacket with spikes coming 3 inches out of the shoulders walked in and asked about getting some rollerblade wheels. Danny, the shop manager, told him that he might look out by the fanny packs! When he left, everyone busted up laughing.
This gave me the great idea of employing John to make a scene in our shop the next day.
So at about 1 or 2pm today (in the shop), from the corner of my eye I see John skate in with neon rollerblades on! He had a hot pink pullover, glitter in his hair, and was wearing a fanny pack! I had to immediately look away or else I would have busted up laughing. He opened his fanny pack and pulled out a folded piece of office paper. He unfolded a drawn picture of a specific type of rollerblading elbow pads. He asked Danny if we happened to carry the "Extreme Helix Elbow Pad". All the shop guys were in awe. Jake, one of the shop guys, whispered to me, "Dude I think he has glitter in his hair!!!!" Quinn, the other shop guy, snuck around to the rental bench and was taking pictures of John with his phone. Danny explained to John that IMT is getting away from selling rollerblades and told him that he might take a look at our fanny packs in the front of the store. John left and everyone busted up laughing. It was perfect!


Mary Grace said...

i love love love it. wish i could have been there taking pictures. and i miss you buddy.

kori said...

thats awesome i wish i could have seen it!

William Cobb said...

dude, you should post up some of those pictures from his phone! say HI to John for me please! Hope y'all are having fun in IF.