Wednesday, November 14, 2007

my new blog

OK, so i haven't been good about blogging in the past. But this time i promise i will pull through and will update it whenever i can.
Today Kori and I went out to Blackfoot to do some climbing in the Crank Caves. We got to see Dean out there putting up a new route. It was coming out of a cave and was almost completely horizontal for 20 feet! Dean is the man!
Also, Kori got on a 5.11a and was able to onsite it. It was another new climb in the Caves that Dean put up last week...... that makes Kori probably the 3rd person to EVER climb the route! Then i attempted climbing Crankenstein, a 12b that i led earlier this year............ and it SHOT ME DOWN. I went home a little frustrated about that. Is it because I am running and my legs are getting bigger (and are weighing me down)? I know that is a stupid conclusion, but I subconciously worry about that sometimes.
So I have picked up running again. Why would I do such a pointless thing?! Why are there magazines dedicated specifically to this phenomenon of walking so briskly that you have to trot? Why do some people let society define them as 'runners' and fit the mold, accordingly? What is it about this running problem that causes people to want to keep doing it? These are questions I had plenty of time to think about after my climbing accident. I couldn't really think of a good answer, so I almost wrote off running as something I would no longer do (when I got better). But then I started running and realized, once again, why I ever did it in the first place= because it makes me feel good. It is probably for a lot of reasons. Here are some of them........
1. beta endorphins (?)
2. I like structure in my life, and running is an easy way to structure 'being fit' into my life
3. I like challenging myself physically and being able to gauge my improvement
4. Sometimes, it just 'makes my day'. It makes me feel better about myself. It makes me feel productive.
I pushed myself today and realized how much slower I am then I used to be. Oh well. I don't care, as long as in a month from now I am faster then I am now.

1 comment:

kori said...

hey sven! rockin' time in the crank caves for shure! i'm excited to boulder in jackson. I agree with your reasons for going running, it gets to be an addiction.
sweet pics! peace out